Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 08:20:57 -0700
From: Holger Gohlke
Subject: Re: Carnal table output


> in the carnal section of the AMBER7 manual it says that one can prevent
> wrapping of locigal lines in the Carnal table output. But I can't find the
> option to set in analin. Does anyone know how to do this ? I don't care
> about readability because the tables will be input for some scripts.

as far as I can see from the code, only the wrap format with a fixed
number of columns is supported for now.

You can use

perl -p -e 's/\n// if(! /LXXX/); s/L\d+//;' table.dat

to convert single lines from a wrapped file into one row. Just replace
the LXXX by the largest L... number in your table.dat file.

Best regards
