Comment here: this is an implicit-solvent MD run. &cntrl ntx = 1, !Read coordinates but no velocities irest = 0, !This is not a restart ntb = 0, !No periodic box igb = 8, !Use a continuum solvent model gbsa = 1, !Apply a surface energy cut = 20, !Cut off interactions after 20A ntr = 0, !No restrained atoms ntc = 2, !Hold covalent bonds with H atoms rigid ntf = 2, !Do not calculate H atom bond stretching ntt = 3, !Use a Langevin thermostat temp0 = 300.0, !Langevin bath temperature is 300K gamma_ln = 0.01, !Coupling to bath ig = -1, !Seed nstlim = 100000, !Number of MD steps dt = 0.002, !Length of step (fs) nscm = 10000, !Centre the system every nscm steps. ntpr = 500, ntwx = 500, ntwr = 1000 !output frequencies /