AmberTools Bug Fixes and Updates
Note: The individual bug fixes for AmberTools are described below in
case you want to see what they do, or apply patches by hand.
Most users are encouraged to use the update_amber script
(which is automatically run during the cmake step) to
handle patching tasks. This script automatically downloads and applies patches
on this site individually and keeps track of every patch that has been applied,
making patching and trouble-shooting easier.
Instructions for using update_amber can be found in the
Amber 2024 Reference Manual in Chapter 2, Section 4, or just go to your
amber22_src directory and type
./update_amber --help
If you wish to apply the listed AmberTools updates, run
cmake again.
Version 24 (April, 2024)
- update.1:
Add missing file for AMD GPUs
- update.2:
Pin python from Miniconda to version 3.11, since some systems seem
to have issues with version 3.12
- update.3:
Adds tests for
pmemd.decomp that supports
- update.4:
Fixes search path for
pdb2pqr .
- update.5:
Pins numpy at version 1.26.4; replace miniconda with miniforge3
- update.6:
Updates nlopt to version 2.8; uses installed libraries if found
- update.7:
Adding missing call to xyz_center in
packmol-memgen .
- update.8:
Force using propka for titration with_ph in
pdb2pqr .
Version 23 (April, 2023)
- update.1:
Minor update to
pbsa.cuda to fix densities.
- update.2:
Fix an OPC3POLBOX water box bug where "gaps" could occur.
- update.3:
pytraj to support python 3.11.
- update.4:
Adds "extra_solvents.lib", needed for some
applications of
packmol-memgen .
- update.5:
Support python 3.11 and update mpi4py.
- update.6:
PMMG and PACKMOL bugfixes.
Version 22 (April, 2022)
- update.1:
Allows to display graphs
- update.2:
Update checks on compatible GNU and NVIDIA releases; support NVIDIA 11.7
- update.3:
Update the TeraChem (TCPB-cpp) QM/MM interface
- update.4:
Use bash to run the Miniconda installation script
- update.5:
Fix compatibility with parmed version 4.0.0
Version 21 (April, 2021)
- update.1:
sander to work with gfortran11.
- update.2:
Update the way
pytraj and pdb4amber are installed.
- update.3:
Update ion parameters in leaprc.water.{opc,tip3p-fb,tip4p-fb}.
- update.4:
Fix v/v concentrations for solvents in
packmol-memgen .
- update.5:
pdb4amber to handle blank chain-ID's.
- update.6:
Updates to the ff15ipq-m force field files.
- update.7:
Avoid an installation error message if miniconda pip is not present
- update.8:
Adds mcwat test cases for pmemd and pmemd.cuda
- update.9:
Adds support for 3D-RISM on periodic systems like macromolecular crystals.
- update.10:
Adds missing extra_solvents.lib and fixes the 2LPG packing param
packmol-memgen .
- update.11:
Adds readline support to
cpptraj .
- update.12:
Updates how cmake searches for readline.
Version 20 (April, 2020)
- update.1:
Fix the compiler optimization levels for
sander .
- update.2:
Various bugfixes for
cpptraj .
- update.3:
Various bugfixes for
packmol-memgen .
- update.4:
Improve error reporting in
LEaP .
- update.5:
Fix Miniconda to allow
pytraj and pdb4amber to install properly.
- update.6:
Support Ampere GPU's and Cuda 11.0.
- update.7:
Update the way Plumed handles truncated octahedral boundary conditions.
- update.8:
Fix test case for RAMD; see bugfix.4 for Amber20.
- update.9:
sander to the latest version of plumed.
- update.10:
Add the ff1ipq-m force field for protein mimetics.
- update.11:
cmake about .tbd files on OSX
- update.12:
Update some C code to the C99 standard; allows building on OSX 11
- update.13:
Support use of CUDA SDK version 11.1
- update.14:
Updates to the ff15ipq-m force field files
- update.15:
Support Ampere GPUs in the legacy build procedure
Version 19 (April, 2019)
Version 18 (April, 2018)
- update.1:
Fix compilation of
cpptraj with Intel
compilers on older systems.
- update.2:
Adds an error message to
sander when users run REMD
and the box sizes are not the same across all replicas.
- update.3:
Fixes typo in 's help message, and
corrects E,pH,T-REMD and pH,T-REMD tests affected by Amber18's update.2.
- update.4:
Fixes test for boost libraries need by
packmol_memgen .
- update.5:
Fixes a memory leak in NAB/libsff programs.
- update.6:
Updates the sample
rism1d mdl files, to
reflect up-to-date ion parameters.
- update.7:
Updates the configure script to allow cuda version 9.2 to be used.
- update.8:
This update fixes the following:
- Corrects REMD error trap for different box sizes in
sander to account for non-periodic systems.
- Bugfix in
sander to properly restart MultiD-REMD
simulations with two or more pH, redox potential or temperature
- Corrects one Amber test affected by the bugfix.
- Fixes typos in and .
- update.9:
Companion patch to the Amber update.4,
updating the configure script (which is a part of AmberTools). This
patch only affects
pmemd.cuda .
- update.10:
Fix and extend the NFE capabilities in
sander .
- update.11:
Small tweaks to the parallel version of
rism3d .
- update.12:
Updates test cases for mcwat in
pmemd .
- update.13:
Configure script changes to go along with update.12 for Amber18.
- update.14:
Bring rism1d test cases output up to the current code.
Version 17 (April, 2017)
- update.1:
Fix MDL SDF file reading and make other minor improvements in the
antechamber package.
- update.2:
Fix the way in which
pytleap uses gaff2.
- update.3:
Fix file format usage in
antechamber 's acdoctor
mode and make other minor improvements.
- update.4:
Add option to
pdb4amber to allow reduce to be
used for proteins but not for ligands.
- update.5:
Fix uninitialized variable usage in
pyMSMT .
- update.6:
Add missing "cs" atom type to
parmchk2 database.
- update.7:
Fix some histidine ring dihedral parameters that were incorrectly interpreted
by tleap in the
ff15ipq force field.
- update.8:
Add support for CUDA 9.0 compilation and add support for V100 GPUs.
- update.9:
Adds an error message to
sander when users run REMD and
the box sizes are not the same across all replicas.
- update.10:
Corrects REMD error trap for different box sizes in
to account for non-periodic systems.