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Help and Advice on Using Amber

Our active mailing lists are the primary means of finding help, reporting bugs, and making the best use of Amber to get your project done. The archive serves as a searchable database for past correspondence.

General Correspondence

Please direct administrative correspondence about Amber (including queries about interpreting the license agreement, reflector problems, etc.) to:

Scientific questions about installing or using Amber should go to: This mail will be forwarded to all those subscribed to the Amber reflector, and hence, many people may be able to help out. In order to post questions, you must first subscribe to the list: send a blank email to Additional information about the AMBER mail reflector can be found at

Administrative questions about obtaining Amber (e.g. payment details, delays in receiving your copy) should be addressed to Rashaan Lyons at the following address. This is also the appropriate contact for licensing:

Rashaan Lyons
AMBER Software Administrator
University of California, San Francisco
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
600 16th St. 5th floor, Room GH-518A
Box 2280, Mission Bay Campus
San Francisco, CA 94158-2517


Phone: (415) 476-5921
Fax: (415) 390-9174

Do not send credit card information via email. This is not secure and could cause account theft. Please send credit card information only by way of fax, mail, or phone.

"How's that for maxed out?"

Last modified: Jun 28, 2023