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(Note: These tutorials are meant to provide illustrative examples of how to use the AMBER software suite to carry out simulations that can be run on a simple workstation in a reasonable period of time. They do not necessarily provide the optimal choice of parameters or methods for the particular application area.)
Copyright McGee, Miller, and Swails 2009

Python Script

Dwight McGee, Bill Miller III, and Jason Swails

1) Set up the pdb files to be leap-ready.

The system we will model in this simulation is the complex between the human H-Ras protein and the Ras-binding domain of C-Raf1 (Ras-Raf), which is central to the signal transduction cascade. Here is a partially equilibrated, pre-prepared pdb file of the RAS-RAF complex.


This structure contains the ras and raf proteins and also a physiologically necessary GTP nucleotide as illustrated in the figure below:

We must now prepare the mutant pdb files to be read by tleap. We strongly suggest preparing this pdb and topology of the files of the mutant along with the initial topology files created in Section 1 prior to running any simulations in order to guarantee consistent prmtop files. For this tutorial we have chosen to mutate residue 21 (Isoleucine, I21) to alanine because this is a residue that is found at the interface between the receptor and ligand and should have a noticeable effect on the binding energy. Note the current version of the code will support mutations to alanine only.

Since I21 is found only in the receptor, we do not need to make a mutant ligand pdb file. Thus, we only need to change ras-raf.pdb and ras.pdb. To do so, you must know something about the structure of the amino acids that are involved. The side chain of isoleucine is -CH(CH3)CH2 CH3. The side chain of alanine is -CH3. Since the side chain of isoleucine has more atoms than the side chain of alanine, we know that we must remove atoms and their corresponding information (name, number, coordinates, etc.) from the pdb files. This mutation involves removing all side chain atoms except the beta-carbon (CB). In I21, this means that we must remove the lines in the Ras-Raf and Ras pdb files corresponding to atoms 294 through 305. We do not need to add the beta-hydrogen (HB) atoms because tleap will add those in the proper locations based on the particular library files you choose for your system. Finally, change the residue name from "ILE" to "ALA" for all remaining atoms of residue 21. This procedure will yield two mutant pdb files: ras-raf_mutant.pdb and ras_mutant.pdb. The I21A mutation in RAS-RAF is depicted below.

Other mutations will be able to follow similar procedures where the group of atoms after CB but before the carbonyl-carbon (C) may be removed from the pdb file. Note that only one mutation can be performed during a single calculation.

2) Build the starting topology and coordinate files and run a simulation to obtain an equilibrated system.

Now that the pdb files have been made, we need to make the corresponding topology and coordinate files for these structures using tleap. First, we will make the files corresponding to the non-mutant complex:

> $AMBERHOME/exe/tleap -s -f $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/cmd/leaprc.ff99SB

com = loadpdb ras-raf.pdb
ras = loadpdb ras.pdb
raf = loadpdb raf.pdb
saveamberparm com ras-raf.prmtop ras-raf.inpcrd
saveamberparm ras ras.prmtop ras.inpcrd
saveamberparm raf raf.prmtop raf.inpcrd

You should also create the solvated complex for running the MD simulation:

charge com
> Total unperturbed charge: -0.000000
> Total perturbed charge: -0.000000   
(Hence there is no need to add counter ions)
solvatebox com TIP3PBOX 12.0
saveamberparm com ras-raf_solvated.prmtop ras-raf_solvated.inpcrd

Now before you quit tleap you should create the topology and coordinate files from the mutant pdb files you just created:

com_mut = loadpdb ras-raf_mutant.pdb
ras_mut = loadpdb ras_mutant.pdb
saveamberparm com_mut rasraf_mutant.prmtop rasraf_mutant.inpcrd
saveamberparm ras_mut ras_mutant.prmtop ras_mutant.inpcrd

We just created 12 files (six .prmtop files and six .inpcrd files). The non-mutant .prmtop and .inpcrd files have been used to run a Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation to obtain an equilibrated system using the procedures outlined in Section 1 and Section 2.

The important files for calculating the binding free energy using are the topology files (non-mutant and mutant) and the mdcrd file ran using the non-mutant topology and coordinate files (ras-raf_alascan.tgz)

3) Perform an alanine scanning calculation on the binding free energy of Ras-Raf.

We will now calculate the interaction energy and solvation free energy for the complex, receptor and ligand and average the results to obtain an estimate of the binding free energy. Then the same calculation will be performed on the mutated structure after the coordinates in the mdcrd file(s) have been mutated for comparison to the "wild-type" structure. Please note that we will not perform a calculation of the entropy contribution to binding in this part of the tutorial and so strictly speaking our result will not be a true free energy but could be used to compare against similar systems. See Section 3.5 for an example of using Normal Mode Analysis (Nmode) to calculate the entropy contribution for a system or uncomment out the last line in the general section to perform a Quasi-Harmonic entropy calculation using the ptraj module in AMBER.

We will carry out the binding energy calculation using both the MM-GBSA method and the MM-PBSA method for comparison. This is accomplished with the following input file for
sample input file for running alanine scanning
   startframe=1, endframe=50, interval=1,

The input files for are designed to be similar to the setup of an mdin file used in the sander module of AMBER. The start of each namelist is designated by an ampersand (&) followed by the name of the namelist. Furthermore, a backslash (/) or '&end' can be used to end the namelist. For a complete list of all variables please see the Amber Manual. This input file is divided into four namelists: general, pb, gb, and alanine_scanning. The general namelist is designed to specify variables that are not specific to a particular part of the calculation, but rather to all parts. In this setup we have defined RAS to be the receptor and RAF to be the ligand. The 'verbose' variable allows the user to specify what files are removed at the end of the calculation. For more information on the mpi commands, please see the manual or Section 3.4. The '&gb' and '&pb' namelist markers let the script know to perform MM-GBSA and MM-PBSA calculations with the given values defined within those namelists. The 'alanine_scanning' namelist marker initializes alanine scanning in the script. The only recognized input variable in the &alanine_scanning namelist is "mutant_only" which is described in more detail in the manual.

$AMBERHOME/bin/ -O -i -sp ras-raf_solvated.prmtop -cp rasraf.prmtop -rp ras.prmtop -lp raf.prmtop -y *.mdcrd -mc rasraf_mutant.prmtop -mr ras_mutant.prmtop

This will run the script interactively and print the progress of the calculation to STDOUT and any errors or warnings to STDERR. Finally, timings will be printed once the calculation has completed showing the time taken during each step of the calculation.

The '-y *.mdcrd' on the command line tells the script to read in all files in the working directory that end in '.mdcrd' and use them as the trajectories to be analyzed.

Here are all the output files: ALASCAN_output.tgz.

The script creates three unsolvated mdcrd files (complex, receptor, and ligand) using ptraj that are the coordinates analyzed during the GB and PB calculations. The *.mdout files contain the energies for all frames specified. An average pdb file is created as a structure for minimization if entropy calculations are performed. All files created by should begin with the prefix '_MMPBSA_' except for the final output file, FINAL_RESULTS_MMPBSA.dat

| Run on Thu Feb 11 13:11:48 EST 2010

|Input file:
|sample input file for running alanine scanning
| &general
|   startframe=1, endframe=50, interval=1,
|   verbose=1, 
|  saltcon=0.1
|  istrng=0.100
|Solvated complex topology file:  ras-raf_solvated.prmtop
|Complex topology file:           rasraf.prmtop
|Receptor topology file:          ras.prmtop
|Ligand topology file:            raf.prmtop
|Initial mdcrd(s):                bigprod.mdcrd
|Mutant complex topology file:    rasraf_mutant.prmtop
|Mutant receptor topology file:   ras_mutant.prmtop
|Mutant ligand topology file:     raf.prmtop
|Best guess for receptor mask:   ":1-166"
|Best guess for  ligand  mask:   ":167-242"

|Calculations performed using 50 frames.
|Poisson Boltzmann calculations performed using internal PBSA solver in sander.
|All units are reported in kcal/mole.


Energy Component            Average              Std. Dev.   Std. Err. of Mean
VDWAALS                  -1863.7944               17.1704              2.4283
EEL                     -17200.7297               75.9366             10.7391
EGB                      -3142.2247               63.1977              8.9375
ESURF                       91.3565                1.3938              0.1971

G gas                   -19064.5240               77.8536             11.0102
G solv                   -3050.8682               63.2131              8.9397

TOTAL                   -22115.3922               51.5332              7.2879

Energy Component            Average              Std. Dev.   Std. Err. of Mean
VDWAALS                  -1268.1888               14.2342              2.0130
EEL                     -11557.0773               71.7127             10.1417
EGB                      -2444.8629               54.9156              7.7662
ESURF                       64.2843                1.1143              0.1576

G gas                   -12825.2661               73.1118             10.3396
G solv                   -2380.5786               54.9269              7.7678

TOTAL                   -15205.8447               36.8422              5.2103

Energy Component            Average              Std. Dev.   Std. Err. of Mean
VDWAALS                   -529.3090                9.4198              1.3322
EEL                      -4684.4720               36.1449              5.1117
EGB                      -1661.8286               26.5442              3.7539
ESURF                       37.0493                0.6185              0.0875

G gas                    -5213.7811               37.3522              5.2824
G solv                   -1624.7794               26.5514              3.7549

TOTAL                    -6838.5604               25.6515              3.6277

Differences (Complex - Receptor - Ligand):
Energy Component            Average              Std. Dev.   Std. Err. of Mean
VDWAALS                    -66.2966                4.2751              0.6046
EEL                       -959.1803               34.9190              4.9383
EGB                        964.4668               32.9201              4.6556
ESURF                       -9.9770                0.3759              0.0532

DELTA G gas              -1025.4769               35.1797              4.9752
DELTA G solv               954.4898               32.9223              4.6559

 DELTA G binding =        -70.9871     +/-      6.6875                 0.9457

Energy Component            Average              Std. Dev.   Std. Err. of Mean
VDWAALS                  -1855.4226               17.0765              2.4150
EEL                     -17210.2882               75.8866             10.7320
EGB                      -3145.1010               63.2477              8.9446
ESURF                       91.8639                1.3913              0.1968

G gas                   -19065.7108               77.7842             11.0003
G solv                   -3053.2370               63.2630              8.9467

TOTAL                   -22118.9478               50.9582              7.2066

Energy Component            Average              Std. Dev.   Std. Err. of Mean
VDWAALS                  -1261.9126               14.1817              2.0056
EEL                     -11566.4419               71.5475             10.1183
EGB                      -2447.4831               55.0008              7.7783
ESURF                       64.5090                1.1105              0.1570

G gas                   -12828.3545               72.9394             10.3152
G solv                   -2382.9741               55.0120              7.7799

TOTAL                   -15211.3287               36.2055              5.1202

Energy Component            Average              Std. Dev.   Std. Err. of Mean
VDWAALS                   -529.3090                9.4198              1.3322
EEL                      -4684.4720               36.1449              5.1117
EGB                      -1661.8286               26.5442              3.7539
ESURF                       37.0493                0.6185              0.0875

G gas                    -5213.7811               37.3522              5.2824
G solv                   -1624.7794               26.5514              3.7549

TOTAL                    -6838.5604               25.6515              3.6277

Differences (Complex - Receptor - Ligand):
Energy Component            Average              Std. Dev.   Std. Err. of Mean
VDWAALS                    -64.2010                4.0841              0.5776
EEL                       -959.3742               34.9114              4.9372
EGB                        964.2108               32.9092              4.6541
ESURF                       -9.6943                0.3800              0.0537

DELTA G gas              -1023.5752               35.1495              4.9709
DELTA G solv               954.5164               32.9114              4.6544

 DELTA G binding =        -69.0588     +/-      6.5302                 0.9235

RESULT OF ALANINE SCANNING: (I21A MUTANT:) DELTA DELTA G binding =    1.9283  +/-    9.3470


Energy Component            Average              Std. Dev.   Std. Err. of Mean
VDWAALS                  -1863.7944               17.1704              2.4283
EEL                     -17200.7297               75.9366             10.7391
EPB                      -3227.2145               64.4523              9.1149
ECAVITY                     68.4754                0.7567              0.1070

G gas                   -19064.5240             6061.1875            857.1813
G solv                   -3158.7391               64.4568              9.1156

TOTAL                    -7522.2032               51.2973              7.2545

Energy Component            Average              Std. Dev.   Std. Err. of Mean
VDWAALS                  -1268.1888               14.2342              2.0130
EEL                     -11557.0773               71.7127             10.1417
EPB                      -2485.3559               54.5638              7.7165
ECAVITY                     47.5088                0.4610              0.0652

G gas                   -12825.2661             5345.3320            755.9441
G solv                   -2437.8471               54.5658              7.7168

TOTAL                    -5118.8075               38.9610              5.5099

Energy Component            Average              Std. Dev.   Std. Err. of Mean
VDWAALS                   -529.3090                9.4198              1.3322
EEL                      -4684.4720               36.1449              5.1117
EPB                      -1684.5802               28.2572              3.9962
ECAVITY                     28.1687                0.3939              0.0557

G gas                    -5213.7811             1395.1865            197.3092
G solv                   -1656.4114               28.2599              3.9966

TOTAL                    -2313.4381               24.9082              3.5225

Differences (Complex - Receptor - Ligand):
Energy Component            Average              Std. Dev.   Std. Err. of Mean
VDWAALS                    -66.2966                4.2751              0.6046
EEL                       -959.1803               34.9190              4.9383
EPB                        942.7215               33.8861              4.7922
ECAVITY                     -7.2022                0.3069              0.0434

DELTA G gas              -1025.4769             1237.6138            175.0250
DELTA G solv               935.5194               33.8875              4.7924

 DELTA G binding =        -89.9575     +/-      8.2480                 1.1664

Energy Component            Average              Std. Dev.   Std. Err. of Mean
VDWAALS                  -1855.4226               17.0765              2.4150
EEL                     -17210.2882               75.8866             10.7320
EPB                      -3229.1405               64.8100              9.1655
ECAVITY                     68.5521                0.7596              0.1074

G gas                   -19065.7108             6050.3755            855.6523
G solv                   -3160.5884               64.8144              9.1661

TOTAL                    -7520.1586               50.6710              7.1660

Energy Component            Average              Std. Dev.   Std. Err. of Mean
VDWAALS                  -1261.9126               14.1817              2.0056
EEL                     -11566.4419               71.5475             10.1183
EPB                      -2487.5603               54.6289              7.7257
ECAVITY                     47.6466                0.4632              0.0655

G gas                   -12828.3545             5320.1609            752.3844
G solv                   -2439.9137               54.6309              7.7260

TOTAL                    -5118.8820               38.4370              5.4358

Energy Component            Average              Std. Dev.   Std. Err. of Mean
VDWAALS                   -529.3090                9.4198              1.3322
EEL                      -4684.4720               36.1449              5.1117
EPB                      -1684.5802               28.2572              3.9962
ECAVITY                     28.1687                0.3939              0.0557

G gas                    -5213.7811             1395.1865            197.3092
G solv                   -1656.4114               28.2599              3.9966

TOTAL                    -2313.4381               24.9082              3.5225

Differences (Complex - Receptor - Ligand):
Energy Component            Average              Std. Dev.   Std. Err. of Mean
VDWAALS                    -64.2010                4.0841              0.5776
EEL                       -959.3742               34.9114              4.9372
EPB                        942.9999               34.0350              4.8133
ECAVITY                     -7.2632                0.3107              0.0439

DELTA G gas              -1023.5752             1235.4872            174.7243
DELTA G solv               935.7367               34.0364              4.8135

 DELTA G binding =        -87.8385     +/-      8.0665                 1.1408

RESULT OF ALANINE SCANNING: (I21A MUTANT:) DELTA DELTA G binding =    2.1190  +/-   11.5368

The beginning of the statistics file includes the date/time, any warnings based on the values and files given, the text, the files used by the script, the number of frames analyzed, and which PB solver (if any) was used. The rest of the statistics file includes all the average energies, standard deviations, and standard error of the mean for GB followed by PB. After each section, the ΔG of binding is given along with the error values. After each method, the ΔΔG of binding is reported that demonstrates the relative affect the mutation has on the ΔG of binding for the complex. The specific mutation is also printed at the end of the file. In this case, we mutated residue 21 from an isoleucine to an alanine (i.e. I21A). The meaning of the different energy terms in this file is as follows:

VDWAALS = van der Waals contribution from MM.
EEL = electrostatic energy as calculated by the MM force field.
EPB/EGB = the electrostatic contribution to the solvation free energy calculated by PB or GB respectively.
ECAVITY = nonpolar contribution to the solvation free energy calculated by an empirical model.
DELTA G binding = final estimated binding free energy calculated from the terms above. (kCal/mol)

Note that the total gas phase energy has not been reported because the values of the bonded potential terms for the receptor and ligand should exactly cancel those for the complex using the single trajectory approach. An error message will result if the energies do not cancel within an allowed tolerance.

One would typically expect to find an extremely favorable electrostatic energy and a unfavorable solvation free energy. This symbolises the energy that ones has to use to de-solvate the binding particles and to align their binding interfaces.




(Note: These tutorials are meant to provide illustrative examples of how to use the AMBER software suite to carry out simulations that can be run on a simple workstation in a reasonable period of time. They do not necessarily provide the optimal choice of parameters or methods for the particular application area.)
Copyright McGee, Miller, and Swails 2009